Please note that the 14 day risk-free trial is available for new subscribers only, to test the service. If you have already received a trial you are welcome to rejoin but without the trial period. If you have any questions, please email
Guarantee/Refund Policy: You have a full 14 days to review the service. If during that time you decide it’s not for you, all you have to do is contact us, within the 14 days and you are entitled to a full refund of your payment.
Please do not request a refund after the 14 day period has elapsed. We believe a 14 day trial period is more than fair and as such there will be no exceptions.
Credit Card Payment: Please note that our customer database system charges any subscriptions or payment payments to the most up to date card details you supply us with. If you already have a subscription to one of our other products set up and would prefer this to be debited from your original card and not the new one you are using for recent purchases please contact our customer service team: to advise them so they can manually override this. conditions, please do not order this material. If you require further clarification, please contact [email protected]